What a hectic week ! With task, final exam, and many things.
But, like my mom said, "Everything will be passed and be memorized, just do them well"
Yaap, that simple words make me feel better, Mom :*
In this chance, i'll write my private opinion about my EAI's lecturer.
Okay, this is my 6th semester, i've passed so many lecturer with their subject and also their own attitude.
Some of them, have their own character when they are teaching.
But, i think my EAI's lecturer has his different way when he teach us in the class.
I just met the lecturer like him.
He has a lot of surprise, his expression is unpredictable !
Every time he came to the class, he always smile. But, we don't know what's the meaning of his smile.
And every meeting, i just think "What more surprise that he bring?"
What kind of surprise that i mean?
One day, we have the first shocked quiz! We separated into two groups, and i'm the first group who stay in the class and the other stay out of the class. I was so nervous with what's the question, how difficult, and everything. Then, my EAI's lecture gave me a sheet of question. There was 8 questions that i must answer in the same paper. We just have 30 minutes to answer all of them. What's make him different? Let see this picture below.
"Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa walaupun saya kaget dengan adanya Quizz 1 ini, saya akan mengerjakan Quizz 1 ini dengan tenang, penuh kesadaran dan jujur."
My lecturer is friendly, having a lot of jokes,
and he has a nice smile (although behind that smile, he save a lot of shocking surprise -_-)
For example, that picture hmmm he is the only lecturer doing that!
See the picture anymore !
Why i got (-5) ???
You know why? Because i was not writing my signature -_-
I wasn't see it, because the first time i got the sheet, i focused with the question hmm
My EAI's lecture is very detail person, and i think that's good to teach us that we must be careful and concern with everything.
When we was presentation of our task,
he called our chairman of the group and we stayed out of the class.
We was so confused, what's the question ?
What happened in that room ?
We was waiting until our chairman out from the class.
It was 10 minutes and finally our chairman out from the class, and we asked him
"What's the question that he asked to you, Bay?"
And my friend said, he just asked me "How many person in your group?" ,
"How many slides that you make?",
"And all of you will be called by him to do the presentation randomly".
We was so confused, what's the question ?
What happened in that room ?
We was waiting until our chairman out from the class.
It was 10 minutes and finally our chairman out from the class, and we asked him
"What's the question that he asked to you, Bay?"
And my friend said, he just asked me "How many person in your group?" ,
"How many slides that you make?",
"And all of you will be called by him to do the presentation randomly".
Oh my god ! My heart was beating so fast ! hahah i'm so nervous.
And luckily i got the slide that i understand hihihi.
Okay, that's mean my EAI's lecture is so detail, then he just wanna teach us that
"the invisible things is as important as the visible things".
And luckily i got the slide that i understand hihihi.
Okay, that's mean my EAI's lecture is so detail, then he just wanna teach us that
"the invisible things is as important as the visible things".
He is one of my favorite lecturer, and i just wanna suggest him to teach us more about the practice. Because as long as this subject started, we have no practice and just learn the theory.
So, when we get the final task, we are shocked and very confused of them.
He teach us all of the integration method, but he never teach us how the implementation.
For doing that all, we have the limit time. Because we have the other final tasks, our times divided to do the EAI's final task.
Most of all, i like his way of teaching us. He makes the class not bored and so creative :)
He deliver the knowledge so clearly
Thank's Sir for sharing knowledge with us !
Wish your knowledge could be useful and could be a way for us to reach SUCCESS ! aamiin
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